The Effectiveness of Science Teaching Materials on the Theme of Newton's Laws Based on Science Literacy


  • Ika Maulita Universitas Perwira Purbalingga


teaching materials, scientific literacy, Newton's Law


The teaching materials, as one of the important components in learning activities, underwent constant development to achieve optimal results. This was done to enhance the function of teaching materials in providing understanding of a subject matter to the students. One of the issues encountered in the current circulating teaching materials was the imbalance of science literacy content, resulting in students obtaining unsatisfactory learning outcomes, particularly in the topic of forces. Therefore, the author tested the effectiveness of science literacy-based teaching materials. The research design was a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design, using a true experimental design method. The study employed random sampling technique to determine the control and experimental groups, referring to the students' previous subject matter proficiency. The data collection methods used were test and non-test methods. Data analysis was conducted using tests for normality, tests for the equality of two means, and N-gain test. From the research results, it was found that the control group had an improvement of 0.21, falling under the low category. On the other hand, the experimental group showed an improvement of 0.6, indicating a moderate increase in their learning outcomes. These findings demonstrate that the use of science literacy-based teaching materials with the theme of Newton's Laws is effective in enhancing students' learning outcomes.


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How to Cite

Maulita, I. (2023). The Effectiveness of Science Teaching Materials on the Theme of Newton’s Laws Based on Science Literacy. Perwira Journal of Economics & Business, 3(2), 49–54. Retrieved from


